API | Description |
GET api/v1/cpe/categories |
Get a list of different router categories |
GET api/v1/cpe/categories/{category}/items |
Get a list of CPE items |
GET api/v1/cpe/{cpeId}/skus |
Get a list of CPE SKUs |
API | Description |
GET api/v1/tariffs |
Get a list of Tariffs |
GET api/v1/tariffs/{id}/boltons |
Get a list of Tariff Bolt-Ons available for the specific Tariff |
API | Description |
GET api/v1/customers |
Get a list of customers that belongs to a reseller by ID and matching selected criteria. |
GET api/v1/customers/{id} |
Get a single customer that belongs to a reseller by ID |
GET api/v1/customers/{id}/sims/ |
Get a list of SIMs that are associated to a customer |
POST api/v1/customers |
Create a customer |
POST api/v1/customers/{id}/sims/{simid} |
Assign a SIM to the given customer |
DELETE api/v1/customers/{id} |
Delete a customer |
DELETE api/v1/customers/{id}/sims/{simid} |
Unassign a SIM to remove from the given customer |
PATCH api/v1/customers/{id}/Update |
Updates a customer |
API | Description |
GET api/v1/pools/{id} |
Get a pool |
GET api/v1/pools |
Get a list of pools |
GET api/v1/pools/{id}/usage |
Get the usage of a pool this month |
GET api/v1/pools/{id}/sims |
Get a list of sims using this pool |
API | Description |
GET api/v1/devices/{id}/device |
Get a single device |
GET api/v1/devices |
Get a list of devices that belongs to a customer. Parameters are completely optional |
API | Description |
GET api/v1/sims |
Get a list of SIMs for the current reseller |
GET api/v1/sims/{id} |
Get a single SIM |
GET api/v1/sims/{id}/checkpac |
Checks the PAC code against the network if the given SIM exists |
POST api/v1/sims/{id}/sendsms |
Send an SMS message to a SIM |
GET api/v1/sims/{id}/getsms |
Retrieves upto 50 SMS messages received by a SIM. |
PUT api/v1/sims/{id}/update |
Update SIM details |
POST api/v1/sims/{id}/networksync |
Sends a request for a network sync / refresh |
API | Description |
GET api/v1/orders |
Get a list of orders |
GET api/v1/orders/{id} |
Get a single order |
POST api/v1/orders/activation |
Create an order to activate a QR SIM without specifying simId |
POST api/v1/orders/activation |
Create an order to activate a Physical SIM by specifying simId |
POST api/v1/orders/bolton |
Create a Bolt-On order for the given SIM |
POST api/v1/orders/cease |
Create a Cease order for the given SIM |
POST api/v1/orders/bar |
Create a BAR order which temporarily suspends and stops GPRS traffic on the given SIM |
POST api/v1/orders/fullbar |
Create a Full Bar order which temporarily suspends and stops GPRS traffic on the given SIM, calls and messaging. O2 and Vodafone SIMs only (not LP-WAN). |
POST api/v1/orders/unbar |
Create a UnBAR order to unsuspend a SIM |
POST api/v1/orders/simswap |
Create a Sim Swap order |
POST api/v1/orders/tarrifchange |
Create a Tariff Change order which moves the tariff for a given SIM to a new tariff |
GET api/v1/orders/numberareas |
Get the details of all available number areas |
POST api/v1/orders/cpe |
Create a CPE order |
POST api/v1/orders/{id}/cancel |
Cancels an order only if its current state is pending, stalled or open. Complete and failed orders cannot be cancelled |
API | Description |
POST api/v1/alerts/{id}/addsims |
Associate SIMs with an alert. |